The Ultimate Guide to Supporting your Immune System

We are often faced with immune system challenges. From colds and flu to being run down, our immune system needs strong support these days, more than ever. Dr. Patty DiBlasio and Michelle Miller, MSACN will provide you with proven tools and tips to keep you and your family feeling healthy and resilient.

Join us as we cover the best ways to support your immune system from Diet, Lifestyle, vitamins, and herbs, to the best of biohacking like peptides, NAD, HBOT, and Cryotherapy.

On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But, is it possible to boost your immune system? What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal supplements? Make other lifestyle changes?

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(Multiple days and times are available.)

Presented by...

Dr. Patty DiBlasio, MD, MPH is an Integrative, Functional, and Regenerative medical doctor who is Board-Certified by the American College of Preventive Medicine. Dr. Patty holds medical licenses in New York, Texas, and California.

She has done extensive study on wellness and preventive health, including specialty areas in lifestyle changes and regenerative tissue therapy. 

Michelle Miller earned her Master of Science degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition from the New York Chiropractic College. Her customized nutritional programs focus on addressing the underlying causes of disease and dysfunction through the use of laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques, herbal and whole food supplements, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes. 

She shares her knowledge on wellness, nutrition, and Functional medicine, on her podcast: FUNC YOU UP! And is often cited in the media with nutritional contributions including HuffPost, New York Post,, Elite Daily, Greatist, Everyday Health, and Nylon.

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